Yau Tsim Mong Distance Run 2015

The Yau Tsim Mong Distance Run 2015 was held on Sunday, 15th March 2015 at the West Kowloon Waterfront Promenade. Although the weather was foggy and humid in the morning, it did not dampen their enthusiasm and spirits.

Our teachers, athletic teams, students and alumni gave their best in the individual or group relay runs. Our 91st boy scouts were also one of the helpers at the event.

We were honored that our A and B Grade Athletic Teams won the third place and first place respectively in the Inter-school Team Relay. Congratulations!

After the runs, the participants enjoyed themselves at the game and food stalls where they cheerfully spent time with their family and friends. This festive run indeed made an eventful and memorable family day for all the participants!

3rd Gathering of the English Ambassadors

London Calling!

Mr. Varma, our Native English Teacher, was keen to impart some local knowledge on the English Ambassadors about his home city of London. The 3rd English Ambassadors’ gathering took place on 11th March and the EAs were told exciting facts about various monuments and both famous and notorious people from the English capital. They learned lots of trivia from telephone box windows and the initials of reigning monarchs on the red pillar boxes to the ravens of the Tower of London and the mistaken purchase of Tower Bridge by the USA.

Finally, in small groups the English Ambassadors devised a story using the new vocabulary along with the facts and figures just learned. The stories were allowed to be nonsensical in order to aid memorization. Another enjoyable and fun gathering for the English Ambassadors!

F3 Film Dubbing Competition

Scenes from the popular animated comedy film ‘Despicable Me 2’ were dubbed by representatives of each F3 class in the Inter-class Film Dubbing Competition held on 10th March, 2015. With their creativity, team work and interesting voices, each class staged a wonderful live performance for the audience.

The outstanding winners are as follows:
Champion: 3A
1st runner-up: 3B


Evangelization Week 1415

The Evangelization Week was held from March 9 to 12 on the theme “Walking with Mary”.

During the week, information about the theme, students’ writings and a religious art created by Ms Cindy Ng were displayed in the school campus. The junior form students all viewed the display items during the Religious Studies lessons.

Besides the display, there were also a myriad of activities. At lunchtime on the first day, there was a mini band show. At lunchtime on the third day, a drawing workshop – ‘the Shoe of Walking with Mary’ was held in the covered playground by the CSA Committee members. The junior form participants all had a better understanding of the theme after the workshop. A seminar conducted by Brother Ernie was held on the same day during the eighth lesson for F3-4 students, followed by an after-school gathering during which the participants reflected upon the virtues of Mary through games and videos. The Week was drawn to a complete close with a Mass.

As in the previous year, some primary schools were invited to our school for a visit. This year, we were honoured to have Tai Kok Tsui Catholic Primary School, Tai Kok Tsui Catholic Primary School (Hoi Fan Road) and St Francis of Assisi’s English Primary School to visit our display and attend the sharing sessions conducted by Brother John and CSA Committee members on 13, 18 and 20 March respectively. The guest students also visited our Chapel. We are glad that our guests found our religious development impressive and they hope to visit our school again next year.

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