F.1 Parents’ Gathering

On the 26th of September, parents of F.1 students attended a seminar which introduced them to both the academic structure as well as the extra-curricular activities offered in school. Parents were also provided with advice to help their children cope with life in secondary school. Experienced social worker, Mr. Kwok Kwong Fai, was there to give a special talk on Positive Dynamics, which stressed the importance of positive education. After the seminar, parents had the opportunity to meet and exchange ideas with the S.1 Form Teachers. We would like to thank our F.1 parents, whose active participation made the gathering a meaningful and fruitful event.

English Ambassadors’ Inaugural Reception

On Thursday 17th September the English Ambassadors (EA) met at lunchtime for their inaugural reception, which included “pinning of their badges”. The eager English Ambassadors from Forms 1-5 were told what they can expect during their time as an EA this academic year which was met with lots of cheer to show their excitement.

From hosting and facilitating games twice a week in the covered playground and giving a speech every Thursday during the morning assembly to participating in whole school English activities throughout the year, it is clear that this academic year will be a lot of fun for both the English Ambassadors and all SFXC students!

The principle role for the English Ambassadors is to speak English as much as possible and to help their classmates with English whenever they can.

SFXC60 Talentine 2015

As we are celebrating our 60th anniversary, our annual Talentine show of 2015 held on 11th July 2015 (Saturday) was more spectacular than usual. This year, with the theme ‘In the Way of the Marists’, we went beyond our school hall and staged the show at the Hong Kong Arts Centre Shouson Theatre in Wan Chai.

The tailor-made drama about the Marist Brothers was fabulously performed by students, teachers and alumni. Many events and stories about the Marist Brothers were enacted with the five distinctive Marist styles embedded in the drama: Presence, Simplicity, Family Spirit, Love of Work, In the Way of Mary. The audience greatly enjoyed themselves as they reminisced the time they had with the Brothers.

This drama was designed and created to pay tribute to the Marist Brothers for their profound love and commitment to the education of the young and needy. Their nurturance and teaching greatly influenced and inspired our students, alumni and teachers. The Marist Brothers are still highly respected and never forgotten. We will continue our best endeavour to pass the mission and spirit of the Marists to our future Xaverians.

Result Announcement of IMC Alumni Manager Election

Date: 8th July 2015

Dear Alumni,

Re: Result of Nomination of the Election of Alumni Manager of The Incorporated Management Committee of St. Francis Xavier’s College 2015-2017

Pursuant to the provisions of the Notice of the Election of Alumni Manager dated 8 June 2015, it is hereby announced that:

  1. upon the expiry of the Nomination Period, only one Nomination Form has been received.
  2. after examining the qualification of the only candidate, it is hereby confirmed that Mr. Mok Chi Tak, Kenneth (82) is the only candidate. Therefore, Mr. Mok Chi Tak, Kenneth hereby automatically becomes the Alumni Manager of the Incorporated Management Committee of St. Francis Xavier’s College 2015-2017.
  3. as only one nomination was received within the nomination period, the candidate is duly elected (according to Point 6 of ‘Method of Nomination’). The election of the Alumni Manager 2015 to 2017 is hereby completed and no election and/or polling will be held on 19 July 2015.

May I take this opportunity to congratulate Mr. Mok and give thanks to the Executive Committee Members of the Alumni Association and all other persons for their help and assistance.

For and on behalf of
St. Francis Xavier’s College Alumni Association Limited
Mr. Kelvin CHAN (95)
Returning Officer

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