Personal Finance Drama Show – “都是「碌卡」惹的禍”

Personal financial education has become increasingly important, not only for investors, but also for teenagers nowadays. In response, our BAFS and Economics panels co-organized a personal finance drama show with the Live Theatre & The Boys' & Girls' Clubs Association of Hong Kong for our Form 5 students. The drama, titled “都是「碌卡」惹的禍”, was recently staged on the 22nd of February in our school Hall during F.5 Form Assembly.

Through the drama, students identified various financial needs in university life and learnt something important about financial tools, such as credit card and callable bull/bear contracts. Their corresponding advantages and disadvantages were discussed in an interesting way. Last but not least, students were invited on stage to play roles in different scenarios so as to enhance their acquisition of financial literacy.

Better financial understanding is an essential tool for future success. It is hoped that through education, students can adopt positive values and attitudes towards personal financial planning in the contexts of different life-cycle, especially in their coming university life.

Visit of a Marist Brother

Brother Angel from Spain together with another Marist Volunteer from Bolivia visited SFXC on 20th February 2017 before their trip to Mainland China. They showed us a warm greeting from their branches of Marist Brothers as we showed them our warm welcome. Let’s pray that they enjoy their stay in Hong Kong and have a smooth trip ahead.

Last School Day for F.6 students (2016-2017)

6 years of secondary schooling had finally come to an end for all F.6 students on 20 January 2017. To commemorate this memorable day, 2 class representatives from each F.6 class had given a vote of thanks to all their form teachers and subject teachers in the morning assembly. The Graduation Committee this year had also prepared the school a handmade gift – a giant potted four-leaf clover, to symbolize their faith and also the school motto “Gentle in Manner, Resolute in Action”. In addition, when the school bell rung at 15:20, all F.6 students and their form teachers stood at the school playground in the pattern of a four-leaf clover, bidding farewell to their secondary school life one last time by singing along a selection of songs and sharing their gratitude towards their Alma Mater.

Services in Kai Oi School

On 20th January 2017, 12of our students provided voluntary service to Kai Oi School, a special education institute, to help them put their sports day together. Our student helpers worked diligently and went home with their hearts brimmed with satisfaction, knowing that their hard work had put a smile on many young faces.

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