Marist basketball Tournament

On 17th April 2017, we held the Marist Basketball Tournament as a part of the Marist 200 celebration campaign. Four teams from Marists schools in Asia joined the competition, including teams from Malaysia, Philippines and both Marist schools in Hong Kong. Exciting games were put on show and many parent joined to support the teams. All the visiting team members lodged in the newly renovated dormitory in the Brothers’ Quarter. In the end, Catholic High School, Sibu from Malaysia, won the championship. Let’s hope the friendship and bonding built during this meaningful event will last for many years to come.

IT Exploration Tour

On 10th of April, a group of our F.4 students joined an IT Exploration Tour, which was a program under the International IT Fest. During the tour, our students visited a leading mobile marketing company called Cherrypicks. They were given updates on the latest technology in the business sector. They also got to immerse themselves into the latest Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality experience.

There can be so much fun in STEM education.

SFX Talentine 2016-2017

The “SFX Talentine 2017” was successfully held on 1st April in the Champagnat Hall. Both the matinee and the evening shows were filled with guests, students, parents and teachers.

The show included various music performances, dramas, choral speaking, film-dubbing and live sport demonstrations. Each performance provided great amusement and received thunderous applause from the audience.

With our principal Mr. Iu leading all the guests, teachers and students in singing the school song, the annual SFX Talentine came to a beautiful conclusion. The event achieved its goal to showcase our students’ multitude of talents and received a shower of praise from different parties.

Interflow - SFXC and SFXS 2016-2017

The annual Student Exchange Programme between St. Francis Xavier’s College (SFXC) and our brother school St. Francis Xavier’s School Tsuen Wan (SFXS) was successfully concluded by a debriefing session held in our school on the 31st March 2017. During the gathering, student participants all shared about what they learned and their fond memories from this exchange experience.

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