International Trade Workshop

On 12th Nov (Sat), more than 160 students from 14 secondary schools came to our school to join the International Trade Workshop. It was a half-day workshop organized by Junior Achievement Hong Kong and FedEx Express.

As a hosting school, our students, who are currently studying Business, Accounting and Financial Studies or Economics, attended the workshop and learnt to develop market entry strategy plans under the guidance of business volunteers. They grasped a basic understanding on the 8 core areas of doing international trade such as market research, positioning, pricing, marketing and sales channels, accessing market entry options and doing financial analysis.

Workshop participants may proceed to compete in the Hong Kong International Trade Challenge in July of 2017.

F.2 Parents Gathering 2016-2017

The Parents’ Gatherings have always been an important channel to facilitate communication and mutual understanding between the school and the parents. On 5th November, it was the F.3 parents’ turn. A total of 108 parents attended the gathering, which included a 100-minute seminar and a 30-minute meeting between form teachers and parents. With the help from teachers, student helpers and volunteers from PTA, the event was concluded successfully with lots of positive feedback from F.2 parents.

F.2 Readers Theatre 2016-2017

Our annual inter-class English competition between F.2 classes, the Readers Theatre, was held on 4th November 2016. This year, the Champion went to 2B while 2C and 2D got 1st and 2nd Runner-up respectively. Congratulations to the winners.

F.6 Parents Gathering 2016-2017

The F.6 Parents Gathering for 2016-2017 was held recently on 29th October. 113 parents attended a seminar introducing multiple graduate pathways available, the JUPAS scheme and other learning experience and achievements of our F.6 students. Our School-based Social Worker, Ms. Wong, gave a talk on the topic of accompanying our students on their journey of taking the stressful HKDSE.

After the seminar, parents had the opportunity to meet and exchange ideas with all the S.6 Form Teachers. We would like to thank our F.6 parents, whose active participation and hard work in the lives of their sons will surely bear fruits as the boys graduate from secondary school and mature into adulthood.

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