Chinese Culture Club

CODE A1 中國文化學會
主席 5A 李浩陽
會員資格 不適用
種類 學術
  • 謎語競猜比賽
  • 新年賀年活動
  • 主持中一至中四級週會中文比賽
  • 正字比賽
學會簡介 中國文化學會將會舉辦不同的活動,如正字比賽、賀年活動、謎語競猜比賽、參觀與中國文化有關的展覽等。希望透過這些活動,同學會對中國文化產生興趣,從以增加對中國文化的認識,提升語文能力。請各位同學踴躍參與!

English Society

CODE A2 English Society
Chairman  5D 胡健翎
Membership N/A
Nature Academic
Proposed Functions
  • Halloween party
  • Radio broadcasting
  • Public speaking forum
  • English Week

The English Society is an academic club for all students. We aim at promoting an English speaking environment in our school and to improve our students’ English standards. By holding various activities, we are confident that students will enjoy learning the language.

We integrate English into the activities that we organize to assist students in learning English in a more relaxing way. Although we do not recruit members, we do encourage all students to participate in our activities, whether their English is good or not for we guarantee they will be able to learn something and have fun.

Geography Society

CODE A3 Geography Society
Chairman  5C 林孜燁
Membership N/A
Nature Academic
Proposed Functions
  • Overnight hiking trip
  • Environmental quiz
  • Hong Kong gourmet tour
  • Cultural tour in Hong Kong island’s tram
Description The Geography Society is a club aimed at promoting geographical knowledge by different activities. Through these activities, we hope that students in our school can have more chances to enjoy Hong Kong’s beautiful natural scenery and learn more about our city. Every year we organize some meaningful activities. Our activities welcome all students from different forms and we look forward to their participation!

Mathematics Club

CODE A4 Mathematics Club
Chairman  5A 林輝盛
Membership N/A
Nature Academic
Proposed Functions
  • Publishing a Mathematics magazine
  • MathoScience Bi-Week with Science Club
  • Form Assembly activities
  • Monthly questions
Description The Mathematics Club aims at enhancing the exposure and interest of all Xaverians towards Mathematics through different interactive activities. Throughout the year, various activities will be held, such as activities and competitions during the Form Assemblies and publication of Mathematics Magazines, etc. One of the highlights of our club is the MathoScience Bi-Week, which is co-organised with the Science Club in December. Game stalls, talks, fun workshops related to Mathematics and Science are held. Please don’t hesitate to join our activities and we need your support!

Science Club

CODE A5 Science Club
Chairman  5A 何子軒
Membership N/A
Nature Academic
Proposed Functions
  • Form 2 activities
    • Water rocket
    • Fire alarm
    • Elephant toothpaste
    • Smoke Bomb
    • Rats dissection
    • Enzyme volcano
  • Halloween Party
  • MathoScience BiWeek
  • Joint-school activity

Science is a study related to the phenomena of the material universe and their laws. The aim of the Science Club is to introduce such knowledge to Xaverians, and arouse their interest in Science through different interesting experiments and activities. One of our highlights is the MathoScience Bi-Week co-organized with Mathematics Club in December. Some experiments related to Science are conducted in the playground too!

We believe that students learn science for pleasure, not for pressure! If you are interested in Science, then don’t hesitate to join our activities and we need your support!

Chinese History Club

CODE A6 中史學會
主席  5B 梁遠軒
會員資格 不適用
種類 學術
  • 展示展板
  • 中一至中三班際問答比賽
  • 電影欣賞
  • 參觀展覽
學會簡介 中史學會創立的目的在於透過培養同學對史事因果關係及互相影響的理解,從而增加對事物的客觀態度及事理分析能力。中史學會將會在來年舉辦不同活動來提高同學對中國歷史的認識。希望同學們可以踴躍參與﹗

Putonghua Club

CODE A7 普通話學會
主席  5B 吳安迪
會員資格 不適用
種類 學術
  • 普通話早會分享活動
  • 華語歌曲推介活動
  • 新年賀年活動(與中國文化學會合辦)
學會簡介 普通話學會一直致力推廣和宣傳普通話,希望透過舉辦各式各樣的活動,提供學習機會,讓同學們多聽多說普通話,訓練聽説讀寫的能力。我們也希望同學們能因此進一步認識普通話的語法和知識,在日常生活中活學活用普通話。