Career Exploration Workshop

F.4 and F.5 students were invited to join the Career Exploration Workshop organized by Yan Oi Tong on 2 August, 2022. Our students were enthusiastic about having more exposure to different work fields, such as physical therapy, pet grooming, activity planning, fitness instructing, and coffee brewing. Throughout the two-hour workshop, students not only widened their horizons but also had the opportunity to explore their own strengths and interests. 

F.6 Students’ and Parents’ Seminars 2022

The day for the release of HKDSE result is imminent. On the 16th of July, our school organized a seminar day to prepare our F.6 students and their parents for the upcoming “big day”. The morning session of the seminar was to prepare students for various possibilities of HKDSE results. They were informed of the multiple study pathways and numerous alternative options. They were also psychologically prepared for the possible ups and downs, and any potential surprises.

In the afternoon, 72 parents of our F.6 boys attended another seminar at school. The parents were equipped with the knowledge to better support their sons on the “big day”. The true highlight was a touching moment when the parents composed their heartfelt messages showing their love and support to their sons. They were also given an opportunity to voice their concerns and worries in the parent-teacher meeting.

The overall atmosphere of the whole-day event was positive and the responses from both students and parents were very encouraging. Let’s cheer up our F.6 boys and give them all the support they need for a very emotionally challenging day on the 20th of July.

Surfing in the City

To ski or to skate? Why not both? Recently, our Form 5 boys had a chance to explore and experience two extreme sports in the Olympics, skiing and skateboarding. In the special PE sessions, students had a chance to experience and learn how to play winter/snow sports in the indoor environment through special STEM technology and under full protective equipment such as helmet, elbow pads and knee pads. Play safe, learn safe! Xaverians! Enjoy surfing in the city!

21-22 Graduation Day

The Graduation Ceremony 2021-2022 was successfully held on 25th June 2022. This year, we were honoured to have Professor Kwok-yin Wong, Vice President (Education) of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, as our guest of honour. After the ceremony, our F.6 boys will be on their ways to different paths. May God guide them in their careers and help them live a full life that exemplifies the school motto, “Gentle in Manner, Resolute in Action”.

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