Parents’ Day (2015-2016)

21st February was our annual Parents’ Day. It didn’t only serve as a day to distribute the 1st term academic reports; it was also a day for communication and enhancing mutual understanding between the school and the parents. Many boys waited anxiously outside the classrooms when their parents and Form Teachers had brief meetings and exchanged thoughts. Thanks to the dedication of all teachers and voluntary helpers from PTA, the day was concluded smoothly. We wish that all the boys can redouble their effort in their studies in the 2nd term to make themselves and their parents proud.

The Bus Stop

As part of the Inter-class Drama Competition Form 4 re-enacted ‘The Bus Stop”. The hilarious story of a thief at a bus stop who struggles to rob from the other waiting passengers and, through the ensued confusion, is quickly arrested to his own bewilderment and to that of those from whom he attempted to steal.

Students are not only judged on their acting ability and the props and sound effects which they make from scratch, but also on their voice projection to bring this comical story to life. All students were very impressive this year and the judges needed some time to deliberate their decision.

With Form 4B as the overall victors in the competition for their Outstanding Performance and Best Spoken English, a special mention and commendation goes to Ricky Yuen Wai Ki (37) in Form 4C for Best Actor.

Friendly Match with Christian Zheng Sheng College

On 18th February 2016, we got the rare opportunity to host a friendly basketball match with the boys from Christian Zheng Sheng College (基督教正生書院). The school located in a secluded area on the Lantau Island has been famous for changing the lives of many young people. The positive spirit demonstrated by the Zheng Sheng boys during this friendly match was a living testimony of the school’s effort in life education and our Lord’s transformative power. The match served as a good value education opportunity for our school participants. It would be delightful to see more cooperation between Zheng Sheng College and SFXC in the future.

Teen Time – Life in a Boys’ School

On 15th February four students visited RTHK headquarters to record a discussion about “Life in a Boys’ School” for the radio programme ‘Teen Time’. Students were asked to prepare a short introduction on the topic and explain their points of view. They told many stories of their best experiences at the school and why this would be different to studying at a co-educational school.

As you may have expected, brotherhood and family spirit were common themes throughout the discussion. The radio DJ asked probing questions to develop the discussion further but also made the students feel at home in the radio booth. You can listen to the radio show from Wednesday 3rd March by tuning in to the ‘Teen Time’ link on the RTHK website!

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