F.3 Education Camp 2016-2017

All F.3 students enjoyed a two-day- one-night education camp held on 24th and 25th November 2016. Early in the morning, students attended a workshop and interactive activity educating them about understanding their own person traits and how to use that knowledge in building a career.

In the afternoon, the F.3 students were excited to get to the camp site at Lady MacLehose Holiday Village in Sai Kung. They played basketball, football, board games and other facilities in the camp site to relax themselves.

In the evening, they were all eager to the night show which was well-prepared by the organizing committee members from 4 classes. They designed different mass games for everyone. Accompanied by the form teachers, they competed joyfully and excitedly together and established a relationship of trust among them.

The next morning, a talent show was performed by each class. There was a wide variety of performances, from a skit to singing. Last but not least, a team building game designed by our social workers was the conclusion of the whole education camp. Students had to cooperate with their classmates to complete all the challenging missions.

All of the form teachers and students left the camp site with many unforgettable memories of the camp.

F.1 Admission Information Day 2016-2017

The annual F.1 Admission Information Day was held on 19th November. Three sessions of seminars and two school tours attracted about 1500 parents and potential F.1 students. Thanks to the help from all the staff members, students and parent volunteers, the event was a resounding success.

Bloomberg L.P. Speed Mentoring Program

10 Form 4 students, who are currently studying Business, Accounting and Financial Studies, were nominated to join the Speed Mentoring Program, organized by Junior Achievement Hong Kong on the 16th of November 2016. It was a valuable experience to them as they had the opportunity to tour around the office of Bloomberg L.P. in Central. They visited the live broadcasting area, Bloomberg terminals and transparent working zones, etc.

Moreover, they had 7 minutes face-to-face interview session each with 10 Bloomberg staff members. Throughout the sharing session for more than an hour, the Bloomberg staff brought a lot of insights and advice to the students, which would be useful for them to reflect upon on what they would want to be in the future and how to build a successful career.

International Trade Workshop

On 12th Nov (Sat), more than 160 students from 14 secondary schools came to our school to join the International Trade Workshop. It was a half-day workshop organized by Junior Achievement Hong Kong and FedEx Express.

As a hosting school, our students, who are currently studying Business, Accounting and Financial Studies or Economics, attended the workshop and learnt to develop market entry strategy plans under the guidance of business volunteers. They grasped a basic understanding on the 8 core areas of doing international trade such as market research, positioning, pricing, marketing and sales channels, accessing market entry options and doing financial analysis.

Workshop participants may proceed to compete in the Hong Kong International Trade Challenge in July of 2017.

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