First Teacher Development Day 2016-2017

The first TDD of this school year was held on 23rd September. The morning session was a visit to Pentecostal Lam Hon Kwong School and observed their implementation of e-learning. The afternoon session was a sharing of our students’ SEN situation. The objective was to inform our teachers so that they could adjust their teachings and interactions with SEN students accordingly.

House Inauguration 2016-2017

The committee members of all four houses for academic year 2016-2017 were inaugurated on 21st September 2017. During the ceremony, house committee members of the previous school received the Certificates of Appreciation for their dedication and hard work. It was then followed by the introduction of the new house committee members. They received their badges from our principal Mr. Iu and the ceremony was concluded by the passing on of the house flags to the new committee members to be shown in front of all students.

Congratulations, all house committee members! May you lead your house members by example and bring glory to your houses and to your school.

Student Union Cabinet Inauguration Ceremony

After securing a majority vote of confidence, Nexus, the nominated cabinet for Student Union (SU) 2016-2017, was officially sworn into office on 15th September 2016. The cabinet members included:

  Cyrus Law (5C)   Chairman
  Dick Lam (5B)   Internal Vice-Chairman
  Tsz Hin Wong (5A)   External Vice-Chairman
  Donald Lo (5B)   Financial Secretary
  Peter Choi (4D)   Financial Assistant
  Jerome Kwok (4A)   Promotion Secretary
  Pak Yu Kwok (5A)   Internal Secretary
  Jimmy Cheung (4D)   External Secretary
  Hubert Yam (3B)   Welfare Secretary
  Chun Hin Leung (2B)       General Affairs Secretary

After giving the inauguration speech, Cyrus Law, the newly sworn SU chairman, led his team to put on the SU badges. This signalled the beginning of their office term and their pledge to serve all students with their hearts and utmost diligence.

Congratulations, Nexus! May the Lord grant you strength and wisdom to carry out your duties.

Student Union Election Day 2016-2017

The election of the Student Union for the academic year 2016-2017 was held on 14th September. “Nexus”, the proposed SU cabinet this year, was put to a test by a democratic election. Our principal, Mr. Iu Kwong Chi, casted the first vote in this election during the morning assembly. The majority of the staff and students also voted throughout the day.

Without a competing cabinet, there was only a choice between voting for “confidence” or “no confidence” on “Nexus”. In the end, “Nexus” won the election by securing more than 80% of votes for “confidence”.

Congratulations, Nexus!

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