SFX Junior Ambassadors Inauguration Ceremony 2016-2017
During the morning assembly on 6th March 2017, we presented awards to members of our Athletic Team who won the A-grade Champion and B-grade 2nd Runner-up in the 4x100m Invitation Relay events during the 48th Sports Days of St. Francis Xavier’s School Tusen Wan.
Congratulations to the Athletic Team.
Recently, all classes in Form 1 to 5 have been very dedicated in decorating their classroom display boards for the captioned competition. The theme of the competition was “Marist 200” which marked the bicentenary foundation of the Marist Brothers. It was an honor to have our Principal, Mr. Iu, Mr. Leung Man Fai, Ms. Ki and Bro. John Chong to be the adjudicators.
The evaluation was based on three domains – theme and content (40%), visual layout (40%), and originality and creativity (20%).
After careful considerations, the judges finally determined a winner for each form – F.1A, F.2E, F.3B, F.4A and F.5C. Each winner would be awarded a certificate and a present.
Congratulations to the winning classes and thanks to all the participating classes! Winning is not the goal of this competition. It is the process and the experience working as a team to express our gratitude to the Brothers that counts. The hard work we put into the competition will contribute to our future success and become a part of our memory so dearly cherished when we grow up.
Our Parents Day was successfully held on 26th February 2017. It was considered a nerve-breaking day for many of our students due to the anxiety their felt when their parents met their form teachers and received the report cards for their first term exam results. All turned out fine, there were sure to be lots of excitements or disappointment but they were important part of a learning process. Let’s hope that those with good results will be humble and keep up their good work. For the others, you should redouble your effort and learn from your mistakes.
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