PTA Teachers Appreciation Day

On 2nd May, representatives from the PTA brought to schools gifts for our teachers as a token of appreciation from the parents. It was a meaningful event for teachers, parents and students as we learned to be thankful to the sacrifice made by others.

F.5 Parents Gathering 2016-2017

The F.5 Parents’ Gathering was held on Saturday, 29th April 2017. Around 100 parents attended the function.

A briefing session on the HKDSE assessment framework was conducted by our Vice- Principal and our Career and Guidance Mistress informed the parents about the different pathways the students could choose from after their graduation. Afterwards, a sharing session was conducted by our Social Worker and Counseling Master. They shared some tips on what parents could do to help their son to release their stress. Most of the parents found the event informative and helpful.

Evangelization Week and Prize Presentation

This year’s Evangelization Week was held from March 27 to March 30 with the theme “Be Merciful”.

Various religious displays including students’ work were put up around the campus. Iconography created by Ms. Cindy Ng, was also displayed in the foyer. The week was filled with activities which was kicked off during the morning assembly and continued throughout the day. Students from F. 1 to F. 3 visited all the displays, religious artifacts and participated in a treasure hunt during their Religious Studies lessons.

On March 27, a seminar with the theme ‘Be Thankful’ was organized for F. 3 and F. 4 students. Fr. Martin Ip gave them a meaningful life lesson on being thankful in our daily life.

We were particularly pleased that students from, Tak Sun School, Tai Kwok Tsui Catholic Primary School (Tai Kwok Tsui Road Campus) and St Francis of Assisi’s English Primary School also participated in our Evangelization Week activities.

We look forward to welcoming them all again next year.

A closing mass was held on the final day of the week to give praise and thanks to God for all His blessings.

Finally on April 28, those students who had participated seriously and actively were recognized and rewarded in a prize presentation ceremony during the morning assembly. With that, the Evangelization week was concluded with a resounding success.

Prize Presentation of HKOI 2017

We are pleased to announce that our student Mickey Kung (6D) won a silver medal in the Hong Kong Olympiad in Informatics (HKOI), a prestigious contest in computer knowledge among Hong Kong secondary schools. It entitles him the privilege to represent Hong Kong in future international Olympiad competitions. Congratulations to our winner.

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