We are excited to announce the successful completion of our STEAM week event, co-organized by the Science Club, Computer Club, STEM team, Astronomy Club, and Mathematics Club. Our students had a blast exploring the intersection of science, technology, engineering, astronomy, and math through a wide range of fun and engaging activities.

The event featured several exciting activities, including a science workshop, science competition, computer ensemble workshop, drone competition, flight simulator, star gazing activity, “Calculate the Universe” workshop, Mathematics Desmos workshop, and a joint-club quiz. These activities were designed to promote critical thinking, problem-solving, and teamwork skills in our students.

Our students had the opportunity to learn from experts in various STEM fields and gain valuable insights into the real-world applications of science, technology, engineering, astronomy, and math. They also had the chance to explore their interests and discover new passions through hands-on activities and workshops.

Appreciated to all the clubs who co-organized this event, as well as the students who participated and made it a huge success. We hope that this event has inspired our students to pursue their interests in STEM fields and continue to explore the exciting world of science, technology, engineering, art, and math.

PTA Picnic

On 12nd March, 2023 (Sunday), the St. Francis Xavier’s College Parent Teacher Association (PTA) organized a Parent-child Spring Day Trip. We were excited to receive overwhelming response of the trip. Over 100 parents and students participated in the Spring Day Trip, traveling to the Tai Po Kau Nature Reserve and Lau Fau Shan Market, together with School Principal and teachers.  This day trip provided an excellent time for parents and the school to strengthen communication and for families to create precious memories.

We look forward to organizing more activities to promote parent-school cooperation and strengthen parent-child relationships.

Scrabble Fridays

We are thrilled and delighted to see that school’s lunchtime Scrabble sessions are becoming more popular with the students. Many of them have been having fun while learning new words and improving their spelling. In March, we had a particularly great match. In the game, one student was able to use all of his letters and score 33 points. We hope to keep up the momentum and continue to provide a fun and educational experience for all.

Pasta Salad Cooking Class

In March, a pasta salad cooking class was organized. In this hands-on cooking class, the boys learnt how to make a colorful and tasty pasta salad with nutritious ingredients. To start, they cooked farfalle, which is a bowtie-shaped pasta. Once the pasta was cooked, they chopped vegetables such as zucchini, button mushrooms, brown earth mushrooms, tomatoes, colourful bell peppers, and shredded carrots to add flavor, texture, and nutrition to the salad. They then combined the pasta with chopped vegetables and then tossed it in a homemade Italian dressing which consisted of oil, red wine vinegar, salt, pepper, garlic, and oregano. Lastly, Parmesan cheese was added to the salad mixture to give the final touch to the pasta salad.

In this cooking class, the boys were encouraged to be creative in their choices of add-ins to customize their salads. At the end of the lesson, they enjoyed tasting their creations and prepared takeaway portions to share with their families. They have learned how to cook, work well as a team, and eat in a healthy way.

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