



Prize presentation: English Debating Team

A group of English Debating Team members flew to Singapore for five days to join the World Scholar’s Cup in the summer holidays. The competition covered research topics for young people to explore and they were tested on areas relating to science, history, art, music, literature or social studies.

Our outstanding team members won the local round of the competition in Hong Kong. Principal Iu presented medals to the following members who entered into the Global Round:

6D Lucas Wu

6C Jackson Yuen

6E Alvin Lee

5C Bryan Kwok

5A Mark Chow

Congratulations to the winners! The opportunity had given them a memorable learning experience, which would benefit in their future years.

School Opening 2014-2015

After a warm and joyful summer holiday, students returned school on September 1. Unity and togetherness were expressed by students and teachers as they gathered in the morning assembly and Holy Mass. Students behaved mannerly during the two Masses where it created a chance for students to reflect on their study and goals ahead of them. The Masses came to an end with the singing of the school song and traditional cheers led by Principal Iu implying that another joyful and successful year awaits us!





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