Cheque Presentation for the Surplus Funds from SFXC60 Banquet

To celebrate the 60th anniversary of St. Francis Xavier’s College, the Alumni Association, commissioned by the school, organized a banquet at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre on 6th December last year. On 22nd March, 2016, Mr Kenneth Mok, the Chairman of the Alumni Association, presented the cheque for the surplus from SFXC60 Banquet to our Principal.

Thanks to the sponsorship of the alumni, the auction during the banquet and the sale of souvenirs, a surplus of $ 1,018,824.11 has been generated. It will be used for the school development purposes.

SFX Junior Ambassadors Inauguration Ceremony 2015-2016

Each year, junior form students with outstanding academic performance (Top 15 of their forms) are honored as the SFX Junior Ambassadors. For the academic year 2015-2016, the prestigious title was bestowed upon a new batch of hardworking students during the SFX Junior Ambassadors Inauguration Ceremony on the 16th of March. Parents were invited to the ceremony to share the joy with their sons. A Letter of Acknowledgement was sent to the respective primary schools for having laid sound foundations for these students’ successes. The ambassadors will pay a visit to their Alma Maters in the near future to extend their heartfelt gratitude for their nurturing. It is hoped that these students will learn how to appreciate the effort of all those who have contributed to their academic achievements and personal development.

“It’s My Business” Workshop

In the morning of 5th March, 2016, Junior Achievement Hong Kong (JA) organized the workshop – “It’s My Business” – in our school. The event aimed at helping students develop positive and proactive attitudes towards their personal and career development. The participants learned about the lives of successful entrepreneurs and how to develop a business that could make profit and impact the society at the same time.

Under the guidance of volunteer business advisers, about 30 Form 2 to Form 4 students from SFXC and 50 students from other secondary schools participated in the workshop. They had sessions of group activities, discussion of real-life examples and business planning to explore different facets of entrepreneurship. Thanks to JA and their helpful volunteers, all the participants gained some valuable insights through the event.

Evangelization Week 2016-2016

The annual Evangelization Week was here again. It was not only a time for religious education but also a time for our Catholic boys to demonstrate their faith through services to the school and to fellow schoolmates. As the Catholic faith is the foundation of this school, the annual Evangelization Week will continue to play the important role in cultivating the spirit of Catholic Education among students.

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