Classroom Display Board Competition

In recent weeks, all classes from Form 1 to 4 had been very dedicated in decorating their classroom display boards for the captioned competition. The themes of the competition for each form were: “Self-discipline (F.1)”, “Respect (F.2)”, “Confidence (F.3)” and “Responsibility (F.4)”. The students were well-coordinated as they labor tirelessly for the project. The moment of truth came when the adjudicators - Mr. Iu, Mr. Leung Man Fai, and Ms. Ki - reviewed the students’ work on 19th April, 2016.

The evaluation was based on three domains – theme and content (40%), visual layout (40%), and originality and creativity (20%). After careful considerations, the judges finally determined a winner for each form – F.1B, F.2C, F.3B and F.4B. Each winner would be awarded a certificate and a present.

Congratulations to the winning classes and big thanks to all the participating classes! Thank you for your effort and the wonderful demonstration of your creativity. Winning is not the priority here. It is the process and the memorable experience that counts when the glory of winning fades into the shadow of time. Furthermore, the friendships you gain in this competition will accompany you to your future days in SFXC and beyond.

Teachers Day

The school’s PTA organized the SFXC Teachers Day on the 18th of April, 2016. The purpose of this event was to provide an opportunity for our parents to express their gratitude for our teachers’ dedication to education. The parent representatives brought fruit, gift packages and “Thank You” certificates all teachers to cheer them up. The gift package contained practical items favored by teachers such as honey, coffee and throat lozenges.

Thank you parents! Though it is a part of our commitment to the profession to dedicate ourselves to education, your gestures in paying us respect has certainly boosted our morale.

Visit to Hong Kong Monetary Authority

While most students were still enjoying their Easter Holiday, two of our Economics teachers, Mr. Lee and Mr. Yick took a group of highly motivated boys from F.3-F.5 to visit the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) on 1st Apr., 2016. The purpose of the visit was for students to gain knowledge of the financial world beyond classroom walls. In the end, the event concluded successfully when the participating students learned about the history and functions of HKMA, the Linked Exchange Rate system and the various currencies in Hong Kong.

SFXC60 School Album

The SFXC60 School Album is now published. It comprises 248 pages, commemorating the 60th Anniversary of St. Francis Xavier’s College and showcasing how we live out the distinctive Marist Style. All alumni are welcome to come to the school office during office hours and get a hard copy for free (subject to availability). You may also access the e-version via the following link: Download

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