Bruce Lee Book Introduction

It is well-known to Xaverians that Bruce Lee was our alumnus. On the 25th of October 2017, a few alumni visited us. They brought with them a new book written by Mr. Fung Ying Biu, another alumnus who graduated in 1974, and contemporary of Bruce Lee, to be dedicated to the school. In his book, Mr. Fung did some extensive research on Bruce Lee and showed us a side of the Kungfu Super Star that is rarely known to the world. On 31st October, the book was officially introduced by Principal Iu to all students and added to our library collection. Students are welcome to borrow it and have a glance at the legendary past of one of our most famous alumni.

Blood Donation Day

Our school’s Red Cross group recently organized a Blood Donation Day on the 31st of October to raise the awareness towards donating blood as a healthy and meaningful activity. Altogether, there were 47 successful blood donors. The school would like to thank all participants, including the Hong Kong Red Cross Blood Transfusion Service Team, senior form students, teachers and the School Red Cross members for their contribution in making this meaningful event successful.

Athletic Meets 2017-2018

The annual Athletic Meets were held on 27th October and 3rd November 2017. This year, we had a record-breaking 550 students participated as athletes. We had 7 events producing new school records, including: A-grade Discus and Long Jump, B-grade Discus, Shot Put and 3000M, and C-grade 200M and 400M. We also, for the first time, having visiting guests from Beihong Senior High School of Shanghai joining us as student helpers, guest performers and contestants in a friendly event. In the end, the annual Athletic Meets were concluded with Yellow House claming the seat of overall champion and Cheung Cheuk Wang (2E), the individual champion. Congratulations to all the winners and a big round of applause for all the athletes.

Orienteering and Basketball Prize Presentation

On the 24th of October, we presented prizes to members of our Orienteering Team and basketball Team. Our Orienteering Team had participated in the Pro-Active Orienteering Sprint 2017 Stage II organized by the Pro Active Orienteering Club. The following team members were presented medals won in different events. They were:

LAI KA LOK (黎家樂) of 5D, winning 2nd runner-up in the event of Male A-grade;
SAO HO CHUN (蘇皓雋) of 3E winning 2nd runner-up in Male B-grade;
YAM KAI YUI HUBERT (任啟睿) of 4D winning 1st runner-up in Male Elite Group.

On top of that, YAM KAI YUI HUBERT (任啟睿) also participated in the event of the Male Elite Group in Stage I and Stage III, and got 2nd runner-up and Championship respectively.

As for the Basketball Team, they participated in the Yau Tsim Mong 3-on-3 Basketball Competition 2017 in Celebration of the 20th Anniversary of the Establishment of HKSAR.

Our representatives of the basketball team got the championship! The members included: HO TUNG LAM (何東霖) of 4B,
LO CHUNG HEI (羅仲禧) of 4D,
LYK KA MING (陸嘉明) of 4D,
MAK CHIT HIN (麥喆軒) of 4D.

Congratulations to all the winners! Your effort brought glory to us all.

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