Brother Damian’s Visit

During the morning assembly on 14th December 2017, we were addressed by Brother Damian, a visiting Marist Brother from New Zealand. With his commanding and passionate voice, he gave us three important messages to take home:

Look to the Brothers for role models of life;
Look to the 5 distinct Marist styles for inspiration of learning and teaching; and
Look at the school emblem for a sense of identity.

We thank Brother Damian for that short yet powerful speech. May it inspire us to be thankful and proud to be children of God and be a member of the Xaverian family.

Student Exchange Program with Catholic High School (Sibu) of Malaysia

On the 12th December 2017, we welcomed visiting students from the Catholic High School (Sibu), which is a Marist school in Malaysia. We started a Student Exchange Program with this brother school this year to broaden students’ horizon and to build solidarity between Marist schools across the East Asia Province. Students from Sibu will join our lessons to experience the vibrant SFXC school life and local Hong Kong culture in the coming week. In return, we hope to send students to Sibu, Malaysia next year to experience school life under a different culture.

Let us welcome our visitors and show them our SFXC spirit and hospitality.

RIP Brother John Lek

We received grief news from the Provincial of Marist Brothers (East Asia) that Brother John Lek, once a teacher of our school from 1972 to1974, passed away recently in Singapore at the age of 77 after a long fight against cancer. Below is his briefing description of service from the Provincial.

Br. John Lek Soon Tee, FMS (Religious name: Br. John Lek) was born on 27th Dec,1940 in Singapore. He entered our Juniorate in 1953 and then Postulancy in 1960 in Singapore. He underwent novitiate training in USA from 15th August 1960. He made his first profession in 1961 and then perpetually professed in 1966 in Sibu. He graduated from Marist College, USA in 1964 and obtained his professional diploma of education in Singapore in 1980.

He attended Renewal and formation courses in EAPI(1984); St.Beonos, Wales (1989);Sabatth Centre, USA (1997).

His ministry involve in teaching in Catholic High School, Sibu; St. Francis Xavier’s College, St. Francis Xavier’s School in Hong Kong, Maris Stella High School in Singapore, Haixing School in Zhangye, China.

He was appointed Provincial of China Province and served the post from 1989 to 1996. He volunteered to be involved in refounding Marist Mission in China from 1999 to 2010 which eventually bored fruit with a new Brother professed in 2010.

He returned to Singapore in 2014 to face his new challenge in life- cancer of Rectal Carcinoma. He endured a long suffering during treatment but he placed all this in the hand of our Lord. Finally the Lord called him to His side on 09 Dec 2017 in Singapore.

We are saddened by the news. Though we may not know Brother John Lek personally, we will not forget his contribution to the school both as a teacher and a guiding role model.

SFXC Mentorship Scheme 2017-2018

The commencement ceremony of SFXC Mentorship Scheme 2017-18 was held successfully on the 9th of December. It began with a variety of activities including certificate presentation and ice-breaking games, which were followed by a gathering time. Over 80 of our participating senior students had the privilege of spending a wonderful afternoon with their mentors. Both parties enjoyed very much the great moments offered by this event to exchange the pleasant experiences and fond memories they had had in SFXC.

Mentorship is an important way for us to pass on our unique culture and family spirit to the next generation of Xaverians. We hope that more students and alumni will join the scheme to extend and expand this long tradition of success.

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