Dart Throwing Lessons

Along with our newly introduced golf and swimming elements to our F.5 and F.2 P.E. curriculum, we included dart throwing lessons for our F.4 students for the first time in our school history. The lessons are conducted in the school hall and incorporate STEM elements such as using iPad and different applications to assist scoring. Our F.4 boys enjoyed the lesson a lot.

“Physics in motion” course in Ocean Park

On 5th May 2018, 29 F.4 Physics students visited Ocean Park to attend a course called “Physics in Motion”. In the course, students analyzed the mechanics of various amusement rides using motion sensors and by video recordings in the morning session. In the afternoon, students performed experiments by applying what they had observed and learned earlier. This course combines the elements of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM), which provides students with the experience of problem solving with the aid of technologies. All our students enjoyed this innovative course. It showed to the world that serious learning could happen outside the classroom.

Joint School Pilgrimage

A Joint School pilgrimage was organized by the Pastoral Team of both St. Francis Xavier Tsuen Wan and Kowloon on the 1st of May to Yim Tin Tsai, a site whose cultural and religious importance are recognized by UNESCO. Participants of this pilgrimage tour included the Marist Brothers, teachers, parents and students from both school. Together we walked “the path of reconciliation with nature”, visited the museum, touched and tasted the locally produced salt, and toured around the island. It was a fun and memorable trip for all participants of the Marist family.

Donation from 1977 Graduates

Representatives of the 1977 Graduates paid the Marist Brothers a warm visit on 29th April 2018. During the gathering, Bro. John informed the guests the latest renovation progress of the Brothers’ Quarter and showed them around, during which they got to see first-hand how frugal our Brothers’ life is.

After graduating for 40 years, the Old Boys of 1977 were so generous yet humble to make a donation to the Marist Brothers to improve their living conditions.

Bro. John Chin, on behalf of the Marist Brothers, thanked the kind-hearted guests for their generosity and care, appreciating their unfailing support to their Alma Mater.

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