Prize Presentation for School Music Teams

On 15th February 2019, we presented prizes to the school Chinese Orchestra, String Orchestra and Wind Band for the awards they had won in the Hong Kong Youth Music Interflows 2018.

In the contest, the Chinese Orchestra won the Certificate of Merit. The String Orchestra won the Bronze Award while the Wind Band won the Silver Award in the Secondary School Intermediate Class.

Congratulations to our Music School Teams. Keep up the good spirit and fight the good fights in the coming competitions.

STEM Day in YMT Catholic Primary School

On 29th January 2019, we participated in the STEM Day of the Yaomati Catholic Primary School to help them promote STEM education. Four of our senior form boys set up a game booth there involving iPads and mBots. The games were enjoyed by lots of P.1 - P.6 students and all participants from both schools had a great time learning and sharing the result of technology in education.

Prize Presentation for 2017-2018 SFXC Premier Cup Champion

On 29th January 2019, we presented prize to the winning team of the 2017-2018 SFXC Premier Cup Champion. Participants included students, teachers and alumni. This time around, it was the teacher team to shine. Mr. Iu presented medals and trophy to members of the teacher team.

Congratulations, teachers! You are still in the fight.

Scrabble Competition 2018-19 Term 1 Result

During term one, our NET Mr. Rey, held a school-wide scrabble competition on Fridays. We were excited about the participation and success of this internal competition. We congratulate our first-runner up, Wong Mo Hei, Stephen from 3E with a total of 759 points and the champion, Zhang Tin Yau from 3B with a total of 1,010 points. Furthermore, we applaud all the participants and welcome everyone to join the competition in the second term beginning the first Friday after CNY.

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