SFX Talentine 2019

As an annual highlight of our school events, the “SFX Talentine 2019”, was successfully held on the 13th of April right before the Easter holidays. Both the afternoon and the evening shows were filled with guests, students, parents and teachers.

Each show included various music performances, dramas, choral speaking, film-dubbing and live sport demonstrations. Each performance provided great amusement to the audience and received thunderous applause in return.

With our principal Mr. Iu leading all the guests, teachers and students in singing the school song, the annual SFX Talentine came to a beautiful conclusion. The event achieved its intended goal to showcase our students’ multitude of talents. It also became a focal point for our alumni, young and old, to keep in touch with the school and with their junior Xaverian brothers.

Physical Education Study Tour (Japan) 2018-2019

The Physical Education Study Tour to Japan in 2018-2019 was successfully held from 12th to 16th April 2019. The tour participants included 29 students and two teachers. The students were tasked to compare and evaluate sports culture and atmosphere between Hong Kong and Japan. During the Study Tour, students had the opportunities to investigate Japanese sports culture. They visited a world-class football stadium Saitama Stadium 2002, the Kamei Katori Shrine worshiping the God of sports, and also attended tailor-made seminars about baseball at the Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum and about football at the Japan Football Museum. Students were also given the opportunity to experience the atmosphere of professional sports leagues in Japan by watching a baseball game at the Tokyo Dome and a football game at the Ajinomoto Stadium. On top of that, they experienced first-hand three Japanese traditional sports namely Sumo, Karate, and Kendo. To make their exposure more immersive, our students also attended some regular Physical Education lessons in Nittaidai Ebara High School. We hope that the students can learn from the spirit of Japanese sports that prioritizes respect for competitors, and so become mentally, skilfully and physically stronger young men.


本 校 中 文 科 中 三 話 劇 比 賽 已 於 四 月 十 一 日 順 利 完 成 。各 班 須 按 照 〈 木 蘭 辭 〉 、 〈 爸 爸 的 花 兒 落 了 〉 或 〈 背 影 〉 的課文內容作故事改編(前╱後傳亦可)及創作劇本一份。各班在比賽前都密鑼緊鼓地認真排練,並利用有限的經費製作維妙維肖的道具。比賽當日,各班均施展渾身解數,台下師生都非常看得投入、拍案叫絕。


Professional Visit by Two Philippines Schools

On 9th April 2019, teachers from two Philippines Catholic secondary schools, Notre Dame of Pikit and Notre Dame of Dulawan, visited us for a professional exchange program. The day program included professional sharing, campus tour and lesson observations. It was a fruitful day for all the participants from the three schools. May this program broaden our horizons and provide us professional insights that benefit our students.

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