STEM Tour to Singapore

The STEM Education Overseas Study Tour to Singapore (2018-2019) was successfully organized from 6th July to 10th July 2019. 28 students and 2 teachers participated in this wonderful journey. In line with the school’s development in promoting STEM education, the tour served to promote and enhance students’ understanding of the tradition of science and technology in a different culture and to foster in them a spirit of scientific enquiry.

During the tour, students were given the opportunity to have a flight simulation experience after attending a lecture in aerodynamic theories. They then visited the NEWater plant which utilizes leading technology to recycle waste water into ultra-clean, high-grade reclaimed water. The concept of environmental sustainability was illustrated by “Garden by the Bay and Marina Barrage”, which used renewable energy to generate electricity and provide a fantastic site for recreation.

In the science museum, students attended a workshop to design a plane using a software and controlled the plane to finish different tasks in a virtual world. They also experienced lot of amazing science demonstrations which could not be repeated in classroom. Moreover, students were pleasantly surprised by the presentation of art and history using different scientific techniques in the “ArtScience” Museum and The Bicentennial Experience. To make this tour more fruitful, students visited Marist Stella High School, which is also founded by Marist Brother, and joined some science lessons to know more about the science education in Singapore.

The STEM Tour has certainly opened the eyes of our student participants to the world of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. We will continue to offer more exposure for our students both inside and outside classrooms.

Hong Kong Inter-School Drone Programming Competition 2019

A team of our drone enthusiasts recently participated into the final round of the Hong Kong Inter-School Drone Programming Competition on 6th July 2019. They won the Most Creative Drone Design Award and Best Team Play Award. Our team members included:



Astronomy Quest 2019

Great news! A team of our school’s astronomy enthusiasts from the Astronomy Club won the champion in the Hong Kong Inter-school Astronomy Quest 2019 organized by the Chinese University of Hong Kong on the 6th of July.

Our winning team members included:

O Shun Hang (2B),
Wong Yat Long (5A), and
Lam Ling Shan (6D).

As a part of our effort in promoting STEM education, we will engage in more and more of this kind of activities and competition in the coming year. Congratulations, again to our winners!

Joint School Music Concert 2019

Our school Wind Band and the String Orchestra recently participated and performed in the Joint School Music Concert 2019 organized by Queen Elizabeth School (QES). Other performing school bands included those from Maryknoll Convent School (Secondary Section) and Hong Kong Wah Yan College. Our student participants really appreciated this experience to co-perform with peers from other schools and to a wider audience.

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