Mid-Autumn Festival Celebration at Brothers’ Quarter 2019

As an annual school tradition, all staff celebrated the Mid-autumn Festival with our Brothers during a lunch gathering in the Brothers’ Quarter on 13th September 2019. On behalf of all staff, Mr. Iu presented a fruit basket to the Brothers as a token of our appreciation. The lunch gathering was a joyful moment where teachers and supporting staff could relax and enjoy the feast prepared by the organizing committee.

Happy Mid-autumn Festival to all the members of the Xaverian family!

SU Inauguration Ceremony 2019-2020

With the successful conclusion of the SU election a day before, the term of office of the Student Union 2018 – 2019, “Harmony”, had come to a perfect close on 12th September 2019. Yam Kai Yui (F.6D), the Chairman of “Harmony”, delivered his end-of-term speech to express his gratitude to different parties, especially to his SU cabinet members. Our principal Mr. Iu thanked Harmony for their service and presented them certificates of appreciation to honor their effort. Mr. Iu, also gave words of encouragement to the new SU and reminded them to be the servants of the students, the ambassadors of the school and the keeper of the SU office. After the ceremony, “Vocal”, the newly elected SU cabinet, headed by Chung Ching Nam (F.5D), assumed duty as the servant leaders of all students in the SU office.

Thank you, “Harmony”, for all your hard work last year and good luck, “Vocal”, for the coming year ahead.

SU 2019-2020 Election Day

The election of the Student Union for the academic year 2019-2020 was held on 11th September 2019. “Vocal”, the only proposed SU cabinet this year, was put to a test by a democratic vote of confidence. Our principal Mr. Iu Kwong Chi casted the first vote in this election during the morning assembly. The majority of the staff and students also voted throughout the day.

In the end, the majority of our students and staff voted for “confidence” in our only proposed SU cabinet. Hence, “Vocal” was successfully elected. Their Chairman, Yam Kai Yui of F.5D delivered his Victory Speech during the afternoon assembly to thank his supporters and promised that he and his team would try their very best to serve the students and the school. Let’s congratulate them and show them our greatest support by joining their coming activities in 2019-2020!

SFX Foundation Outstanding Excellent Performance Scholarship Award Ceremony 2019-2020

Each year, the SFX Foundation awards scholarship to those with distinctive academic results in public examinations. This year, 6 of our F.6 graduates received the SFX Foundation Outstanding Excellent Performance Scholarship due to their exceptional achievements in the HKDSE 2019. Our distinguished alumnus, Mr. Cliff Lee (1983 alumnus), was among us to present the scholarships to the awardees. Congratulations!

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