F.1 Parents' Gathering (2024-2025)

The F.1 Parents' Gathering for 2024-2025 was held in our school hall on 28th September from 2 to 5 pm, with 97% of our F.1 parents in attendance.

Principal Leung welcomed the F.1 parents and shared the new major concerns of the school, including the school-based Values Education framework. It was followed by introductions to our academic structure, national security education, discipline policies, counselling policies, and life-wide learning initiatives, presented by the respective teachers.

Our school social workers, Mr. Shek and Ms. Wong, also shared insights on how to help support their sons. Parents also received advice on how to assist their sons in adjusting to life in secondary school. Each parent was presented with a gift bag containing candies, chocolates, a tea bag, and a "thought for the soul" card.

Before the event concluded, parents had the opportunity to meet and exchange ideas with their sons' F.1 form teachers. We would like to thank our F.1 parents for their active participation, which made the gathering a meaningful and fruitful event.