Graduation Ceremony of Form One Bridging Course 2019

The Form One Bridging Course 2019 has come to a complete close on 26th July. During the graduation ceremony, Mr. Choi, the Principal of the Summer Bridging Course, who is also one of our F6 graduates, delivered an inspiring speech, hoping our Form One boys to be innovative, to take the initiative and also to be independent. It was then followed by a prize presentation ceremony and a group photo taking session. Mr. Iu, our Principal, also came to the ceremony and gave the Form One boys a few encouraging remarks. We hope that our Form One boys will have a fruitful and enjoyable new school life at SFXC.

F.1 Summer Bridging Course 2019

The Form 1 Summer Bridging Course 2019 began on 17th July 2019. The 8-day course, taught by Native English Teachers and our Form 6 graduates, was tailor-made with an aim to accustom the newly admitted Form 1 boys to the English learning environment and school life in St. Francis Xavier’s College.

During the course, the boys not only learned different academic subjects using English as the medium of instruction, but also experienced our school life first hand, including saying the Prayer together at the Morning Assembly.

F.1 Orientation Day 2019-2020

The F.1 Orientation Day was successfully held on 13th July 2019. 128 new boys and their parents attended the event to learn about some important information regarding the beginning of a new phase of their school life. They all looked very eager and we were equally excited to embrace them as new members of the Xaverian community.

Welcome to the family, little brothers and parents!

F.2 “Face to Face with the Principal” (一期一會) 2018-2019

“Face to Face with the Principal” (一期一會) is a 2-hour parent workshop conducted by our principal Mr. Iu with participating parents from each of the F.1 classes. For years, Mr. Iu has taken it upon himself to communicate with and reach out to parents using this platform. This year, he and Mr. Ching, our vice principal have joint forces and extend this platform to F.2 parents. Thanks to the coordination the SFXC PTA, the “Face to Face” meetings for F.2 parents in 2018-2019 school year was successfully conducted on 8th July 2019. All participating parents, Mr. Iu and Mr. Ching found the meetings conducive towards understanding each other and our students.

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