Donation of Sanitisers from Alumni of Class 1990

In support of the school’s full resumption, alumni from Class 1990 donated one thousand sanitisers to us on 26th September 2020. Their kind hearts came at the right time as we were preparing for the full scale class resumption three days afterwards.


Thank you for your kindness and support, Class 1990.

School Resumption for F.1, 5 & 6

After a long school suspension, face-to-face instruction inside physical classrooms was finally resumed for F.1, 5 and 6 of the 2020-2021 school year. The principal gave them a school-opening address to encourage them to continue to learn and enjoy school life. Students were happy to see each other again after months of physical separation from each other.

Campus-wide Sanitization

In preparation for the class resumption, the school has ordered a campus-wide sanitization to be done by a professional company on 21st September 2020. The sanitization process included the spraying of an antiviral coating on all reachable surfaces on campus. This should help make the school safe for the coming resumption of classes on 23rd September 2020.

F.1 Orientation Day 2020-2021

After a long school suspension, we held our F.1 orientation day on 19th September 2020 before the resumption of face-to-face instruction. We held two sessions to reduce the number of participant at one time. During each session, the new F.1 students got to meet their classmates and form teachers in person, and tour around school campus under the guidance of Big Brothers from upper forms.

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