F.2 Parents Gathering 2020-2021

The F.2 Parents Gathering for 2020-2021 school year was recently held on the 7th November.  102 parents in total attended our seminar that introduced our school’s curriculum, promotion criteria and discipline policies. We also invited our school-based social workers to give a talk for our parents. After the seminar, parents had the opportunity to meet and exchange ideas with their sons’ Form Teachers. The gathering had become a meaningful and fruitful event thanks to our parents’ active participation.


F.6 Parents Gathering 2020-2021

The F.6 Parents’ Gathering for 2020-2021 school year was held on 24th October 2020. Around 90 parents attended the gathering in spite of the looming pandemic. The gathering included a seminar introducing the JUPAS scheme, the selection of programme choices and other learning experience. Our School-based Social Worker, Ms. Lui, shared how parents might accompany their sons on the stressful journey of DSE. After the seminar in the hall, the parents went into classrooms to meet and exchange ideas with the form teachers.

Most of the parents found the event informative and helpful.




The Inauguration ceremony for the Student Union 2020-2021

After a long and strenuous electioneering campaign, Cohere, the victorious cabinet of the 2020-2021 Student Union Election has officially assumed office following the Inauguration Ceremony held on October 22nd. Thanks must be given to their predecessors – Vocal, their rivals - O2, and all the teachers involved, for making the electioneering campaign fruitful and plain sailing. May we wish them every success with their pursuits in the year ahead.

Student Union Election (2020-2021)

The Student Union Election was successfully held on October 12th, and the results are as follows. The total number of votes is 731, which accounts for 92.5% of the total members of the school. Out of the total number of votes, the total number of votes for Cohere is 403 while that for O2 is 227. In other words, Cohere has obtained more votes than its competing cabinet, O2.

Thus, Cohere has been successfully elected.


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