Graduation Ceremony 2020-2021

The Graduation Ceremony 2020-2021 was successfully held on 22nd May 2021. This year, we were honored to have our alumnus Dr. YUEN Ka Ye, as our guest of honor. After the ceremony, our F.6 boys will be on their ways to different paths. May God guide them in their careers and help them live a full life that exemplifies the school motto, “Gentle in Manner, Resolute in Action”.

The 36th Sing Tao Inter-School Debating Competition

After a tedious year of mixed-mode debates (live debates conducted in tandem with Zoom debates). The 36th Sing Tao Inter-School Debating Competition has finally come to a close. This year, the boys of our English Debating Team have reached the Round of 16, before coming off second best to our dear opponents – Evangel College. Our Team Captain, 5A Lau Wai Ting has been awarded the ‘Most Outstanding Debater’ award for his exceptional performance throughout the course of the competition. He also secured the ‘Best Debater’ and ‘Best Interrogative Debater’ awards in the First Preliminary, while 5B Fung Chi Hang clinched the ‘Best Debater’ award in the Second Preliminary. Compliments to the team for their unceasing efforts under COVID-19. Congratulations!

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