Service – Tai Kok Tsui Catholic Primary School Chinese Culture Day

On 27th March 2018, our school participated in Tai Kok Tsui Catholic Primary School’s Chinese Culture Day. Speaheaded by our Student Union, 10 Xaverians took part in this community service project and sucessfully put together 4 game booths. The event lasted for 3 hours. All our participating students enjoyed a great time in creating a festive atmosphere for our neighboring school.

One-Belt-One-Road Mainland Visit

On 26th March 2018, 30 students from F.3 and F.5 accompanied by Mr. Yik Wing Yiu, Mr. Raymond Wong and Mr. Wilson Lee visited Nansha and Qianhai in the Guangdong Pronvince to explore the area's future development and economic cooperation with Hong Kong with respect to the One Belt One Road Initiative.

In the morning, the group attended a seminar about the recent development of Nansha, followed by a visit to a yacht club invested by the Fok’s family from HK. After having lunch at a restaurant next to a farm, the students learnt about organic farming and modern farming technology. The group then visited an exhibition hall in Qianhai detailing the blueprint for the future development of the area. The trip was concluded by a drive-by tour around Qianhai's major infrastructures.

SFX Talentine 2018

As an annual highlight of our school events, the “SFX Talentine 2018”, was successfully held on the 24th of March. Both the afternoon and the evening shows were filled with guests, students, parents and teachers.

The show included various music performances, dramas, choral speaking, film-dubbing and live sport demonstrations. Each performance provided great amusement to the audience and received thunderous applause in return.

With our principal Mr. Iu leading all the guests, teachers and students in singing the school song, the annual SFX Talentine came to a beautiful conclusion. The event achieved its intended goal to showcase our students’ multitude of talents. It also became a focal point for our old boys, young and old, to keep in touch with the school and with their junior Xaverian brothers.

'Greenovation' joining the JA Asia Pacific ‘Company of the Year’ event in Beijing

‘Greenovation’, the JA Company of our school in the last academic year (2016-2017), together with ‘Harness’ from St. Clare's Girl School, are traveling to Beijing over the Easter holidays to compete for the JA Asia Pacific ‘Company of the Year!’ Being the champion and the first runner-up of the JA Company of the Year Award last year, they will be representing Hong Kong to compete with other award-winning JA companies from 15 countries and territories all around Asia. 4 F.5 Greenovation members, namely Jason Poon of F.5B, Harry Tang of F.5C, Perry Chan and Ivan Yim of F.5D, are proud and excited to represent our school and Hong Kong to compete in this event. More importantly, they are striving their best to spread the message of ‘changing the world through changing one’s lifestyle’ to everyone around the world by offering carbon credits to offset carbon emission. Such meaningful notion and action is well worth of our support!

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