SFX Junior Ambassadors Inauguration Ceremony 2018-2019

Each year, students with outstanding academic performances (Top 15 students of the junior forms in the first term) are honoured as the SFX Junior Ambassadors of that year. This year, parents of these students were invited to the Inauguration Ceremony to share the joy and honor with their sons on 22nd March 2019. A Letter of Acknowledgement was sent to the respective primary schools for having laid a solid foundation for these students’ academic success. The ambassadors would then pay a visit to their Alma Mater to extend their heartfelt gratitude to their primary school teachers who labored to foster the students’ development. Through this practice, students’ effort in their school work was recognized and it is hoped that they will learn to appreciate the effort of all those who have contributed to their successes.

Junior Form Chinese History and Basic Law Competitions

The Chinese History and Basic Law Competitions were recently conducted in F.1 (on 19/3), F.2 (29/3) and F.3 (1/4) to test our junior boys’ knowledge in the field. The events invited one 3-man team from each class to showcase what they had learned from the Chinese History lessons in a competitive way during the Form Assemblies. The results were as follows:

Champion: 1B
1 st Runner-up: 1A
2 nd Runner-up: 1D
Champion: 2B
1 st Runner-up: 2D
2 nd Runner-up: 2E
Champion: 3B
1 st Runner-up: 3A
2 nd Runner-up: 3E

Congratulations to the winners but remember, being able to demonstrate what you have learnt is more important than gaining victory per se.

Sir Edward Youde Memorial Prize (2019) for Senior Secondary School Students

Sir Edward Youde Memorial Prize is a prestigious scholarship scheme aiming at recognizing and encouraging academic excellence and development of leadership qualities. This year, two of our students were awarded this prize. They are LO Ka Sing (6B) and CHOI Hin Chung (6D). The received their awards during the 32nd Award Ceremony for the Scholarship held on 17th March 2019. Congratulations, boys! You have brought great honor to the school, your families and yourselves.

F.3 Parent’s Gathering 2019

The F.3 Parents’ Gathering was held on Saturday, 16th March, 2019. Around 140 parents attended the function.

The gathering opened up with a briefing session conducted by our Vice-Principal on the different NSS elective subjects offered in our school and the placement method. We also took this opportunity to introduce our newly proposed elective, Japanese Language as a Category C subject. Our Career and Guidance Mistress then informed the parents about the admission requirements of the different local universities. Afterwards, a sharing session was conducted by our School-based Social Worker and Counselling Master. They shared some tips on what parents could do to help their sons choose the right electives. Most of the parents found the event informative and helpful.

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