
本 校 中 文 科 中 三 話 劇 比 賽 已 於 四 月 十 一 日 順 利 完 成 。各 班 須 按 照 〈 木 蘭 辭 〉 、 〈 爸 爸 的 花 兒 落 了 〉 或 〈 背 影 〉 的課文內容作故事改編(前╱後傳亦可)及創作劇本一份。各班在比賽前都密鑼緊鼓地認真排練,並利用有限的經費製作維妙維肖的道具。比賽當日,各班均施展渾身解數,台下師生都非常看得投入、拍案叫絕。


Professional Visit by Two Philippines Schools

On 9th April 2019, teachers from two Philippines Catholic secondary schools, Notre Dame of Pikit and Notre Dame of Dulawan, visited us for a professional exchange program. The day program included professional sharing, campus tour and lesson observations. It was a fruitful day for all the participants from the three schools. May this program broaden our horizons and provide us professional insights that benefit our students.

F.5 Parent’s Gathering 2019

The F.5 Parents’ Gathering for 2018-2019 was held on the 30th of March with 99 parents attending the function. Our Principal, Mr Iu welcomed the parents with his inspiring sharing about patience with their sons. He quoted the growing experience of our alumni and ensured the parents that their children would shine one day. The gathering then continued with the introduction of our senior curriculum assessment system delivered by Mr Leung, our vice principal. Our Career Mistress, Miss Chan then introduced the multiple pathways of the post-secondary education. Lastly, our school Social Worker, Ms. Lui, shared some appropriate ways for parents to show their love and support to their stressed sons. After the session in the hall, the parents met and exchanged ideas with the form teachers.

We would like to thank those F.5 parents, whose care and love is invaluable to their children.

Open STEM Lesson

On 26th March 2019, an open STEM lesson called ‘Blood Spatter – Be a Crime Scene Investigator’ was conducted for F.2A. It was one of the STEM activities suggested under the Professional Development Schools (PDS) Scheme, led by Maryknoll Fathers' School. This particular open lesson covered topics in Mathematics, Integrated Science and ICT. More than 10 teachers from different schools were involved and joined the lesson as observers. The students were put into groups, did measurement on bloodstains, obtained angles of projection using knowledge of trigonometry and set up projection lines for locating the position of the point of impact. Finally, by means of mathematics software, they could modify the accuracy of the best position of the point of impact. The lesson was conducted successfully and the students really enjoyed it.

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