Swimming Lessons
Along with our newly introduced golf element to our F.5 P.E. curriculum, we included swimming lessons for our F.2 students for the first time in our school history. During March and April, we took our F.2 students to learn swimming at the Tai Kok Tsui Swimming Pool. The logistics involved to bring students there could be daunting, but our P.E. teachers were able to manage and our F.2 boys really enjoyed some springtime splashing fun.
New P.E. Element - Golf Lessons
For the first time in our school history, we started to include golf lessons in our P.E. curriculum starting from this year. In March and April, we took our F.5 students out to The One Golf Club in Kwan Tong to learn the basics of playing golf. Though a lot of hassle was involved to have P.E. lessons outside of our school campus, it all paid off when it came down to the enriched learning experience for our students.
Recognition for More than 10,000 Hours of Services
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