Support for NCS Students

Support for Non-Chinese Speaking (NCS) Students



Learning and Teaching 學與教

To encourage the NCS students to learn Chinese, our Chinese Language Panel will perform a comprehensive assessment for newly admitted NCS students on their competence in the language. The panel will design tailor-made curriculum and arrange “pull-out” Chinese lessons according to each NCS student’s level. Using the Spiral Progression Approach in teaching, the Chinese Language panel will help NCS students learn the language by building on their current level. Assisted by formative and summative assessments, the panel will regularly fine-tune the challenge level of the learning materials. The school will also help NCS students make career planning and register for public exams, such as GCE, GCSE, IGCSE or DSE, so as to gain access to universities or other career paths.


The school understands the diversity in the languages and culture of the NCS students. To help them integrate with the local society and systematically learn about the Chinese history and culture, we arrange pull-out lessons for Putonghua, Liberal Studies and Chinese History. The participants can engage in Life-wide learning experiences, including: reading, speaking and listening enhancement, improving language usage and communication skills, exploring social issues to sharpen higher order and critical thinking, and cultivating aesthetic development through cultural experience activities.


為鼓勵非華語學生學習中文,本校中文科為新入學的非華語新生進行多方評估, 如紙筆測試、面談等,了解學生的程度,設計適切的中文科課程。中文課堂以「抽離學習」模式進行,依照學生所屬的學習階段,以螺旋式遞進原則教學,讓學生溫故知新,鞏固所學;透過持續性及總結性評估,定期檢視學生學習進程,調適課程深淺度。另按學生能力及生涯規劃,替其報考相關公開考試,如普通教育文憑(GCE)、普通中學教育文憑(GCSE)、國際普通中學教育文憑(IGCSE)及香港中學文憑試(DSE),以取得香港大學聯招(JUPAS)或其他課程之入學資格,銜接多元出路。




Inclusive Culture 文化共融

To assist NCS students getting used to a non-mother-tongue learning environment and to promote inclusive atmosphere, the school pairs each newly admitted NCS student with a “Guardian Angel”. This local student will take care of his NCS buddy’s academic, social and emotional needs, and help him better integrate into the new school life. The school will also assign a senior NCS student as a “Big brother” for the newly admitted NCS students. He will lead his younger brothers to overcome challenges with his own experiences. In addition, the school encourages all our NCS students to join various internal and external activities, such as: Chinese Calligraphy Competition, Lunar New Year Celebration and Cantonese Challenges, so as to promote participation.




Home-school Cooperation 家校合作

The school provides interpretation services and bilingual documents, allowing NCS parents to better understand their sons’ situation in school. To facilitate home-school cooperation, the school organizes regular parent gatherings and individual counselling according to the students’ academic performances, emotional needs and career planning.





School Support Summary 學校支援摘要

